And Sons Podcast Archive

Explore the archive of the weekly podcast, hosted by Sam Eldredge and Blaine Eldredge, on the development of the soul, our cultural moment, and interviews with experts in their own words.

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The Episodes

The February Experiment
Podcast And Sons Podcast Podcast And Sons Podcast

The February Experiment

What one practice stirs your heart...yet you're not currently doing it? Maybe you've never believed you had time or the courage to try it. Now, imagine joining a group of like-minded people all committed to doing their "one thing" during the same window of time. That's the February Experiment for the AndSons community.

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 Looking for older episodes? You can find our full library on Transistor FM.



And it’s a podcast on our cultural moment, post-modernity, the millennial world.

To become a great man, you have to become a good man, one day at a time. And to become a good man, you have to understand your moment. Discussing beauty, adventure, politics, theology, psychology, and the soul, we have conversations with experts and dive deep into topics that, if you understand them, will help you change your life.

New episodes drop weekly.